Wow, is this interesting. Long story short - the preference of parents to abort females rather than males has left China with about 40 million eligible bachelors without a female counterpart. The article argues that as a direct result demographers forsee a future where "Mumbai and Shanghai may soon rival San Francisco as gay capitals" and "organized crime networks that traffic in women will shift their deliveries toward Asia and build a brothel culture large enough to satisfy millions of sexually frustrated young men". (if you think that's provocative, you should read the whole thing) I don't know when Foriegn Policy started lettting second graders write their articles but the notion this article promotes is ridiculous. I don't think for a moment that India and China will go this route.
I say this because in my experience there is a rapid rise in female empowerment in India and China. I've said it once and I'll say it again - all evil on the earth derives from men. The fact that Indian and Chinese women have gender equality that they've never had before can only make these countries safer and more stable. Also, the notion that sexually frustrated men resort to homosexuality and commit more crime is ludicrous. By this logic I've been a gay criminal for years.
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