testing to see how this button performs in the wild
BookOffice Hours
Sarcasm aside, got to say it felt good. In many ways I was as excited to return the ring as he was to receive it.
I'm a pretty careless guy. One time while rushing for the train bound for the airport I dropped my wallet. Some woman picked it up and literally ran to return it to me before I got on the train. Incidences like these are hardly rare in Japan. Foreigners are
typically amazed to see cellphones, cameras and wallets left in taxi's magically returned to them.
I've heard that the difference between Asian morality and Western morality is the difference between society and God. In the east you don't do bad things because society judges you. When you are alone therefore you can do whatever you want. In the west you are never alone. God is watching you always.
I got to admit- as a straight man - sometimes I wish I were gay. It would be cool. we'd get home, watch basketball on the TV, play some video games and then have sex. That would be both awesome and convenient. Plus, I wouldn't have to blow a lot of money on dinners and flowers.
For this and other reasons I don't attract many women. Actually I don't attract any women, but that's not the point. Gay men seem to have the power to attract women. It's not fair.
I can't really explain why hot girls are into gay men. I think it has something to do with the fact that too many men lust for them and consequently they seek attention from the only people that have no business giving attention to them in the first place.
It makes no sense, but then hot girls and have no business being into me, so I guess it's more or less the same. People always want what they can't have. How depressing.